
2016: Fatherhood and all that

At times, this year felt like a novel written by George R.R. Martin: shocking twists and all of your favourite characters die.  However, on the whole, 2016 was a positive year for me. I continued to write for Computer Weekly and various branches of the BBC, as well as starting to write for Alphr.  Despite…
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2015: Being Pro and All That

2015 was the year I celebrated my first year as a professional writer. This was a dramatic career change after fifteen years as an engineer. Ultimately, my only regret was that I did not begin freelancing sooner. Whilst most of my writing projects were journalistic, I also performed some copy-writing for the BBC on their…
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In Conversation with Dana Fredsti

I first encountered San Francisco-based author Dana Fredsti in 2012, when I was asked to interview her in advance of Plague Town being released. Following the interview, we kept in touch through the magic of the internet, and I later provided advice on parkour for Plague Nation and geographical information for Plague World. In my…
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2014: Going Pro and All That

For me, 2014 will be remembered as the year I became a professional full-time writer/journalist. I left my part-time job as a design engineer in late August, as my holidays were quickly running out and rather than paying to work, I decided to take the leap whilst I was ahead. Despite planning for this shift…
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Operation: Byeeeee!

  I have a secret to tell you.  It is not a particularly impressive secret, nor does it offer you deep insight into my eternal soul, but it is a secret nonetheless. For over a year, I have been describing myself as a freelance writer.  This is true, but it was never exclusively so, as…
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Take Note!

Despite having previously written about digital note-management application Evernote for Spacewitch, and having had Evernote installed for a couple of years, it is only recently that I have started to actively use it. I had previously used Evernote simply as a filing mechanism for any articles I had found and wished to read later during…
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A Game of Boobs

I am not the world’s greatest fan of fantasy.  That is not to say I dismiss all fantasy without a second-thought, but a fantasy setting does not intrigue me as much as a science-fiction setting does. My disenchantment with fantasy settings stems from how magic can be used as a general purpose escape-clause, without thought…
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2013 and All That

For me, 2013 was the year we entered the future. As a child of the eighties, I remember reading the background to the Cyberpunk role-playing game.  The game was set in the then-future 2013 world of cybernetic enhancements, sleek technology and flying cars.  Whilst we may not have these cars, and limb-replacement technology is not…
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2012: The Apocalypse and All That

The past year, despite the apocalyptic prophecies, has overall been a positive one.  The highlight of my year would have to be my comic-fantasy short-story The Sound of Latex being published in the Fox Spirit anthology “Tales of the Nun and Dragon”.  My story has been well received, with reviewers asking for more tales of…
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2011: In Review

Overall, 2011 has proved to be a positive year for me.  My wife Caelia and I moved into our new home, which has a room set-aside for my study.  Four months after we moved, our son Michael was born (yes, we did move in the midst of pregnancy). On a professional level, my writing has…
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